Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Non-polite (intimate or plain) style speech

Non-polite (intimate or plain) style speech
In the Korean language, the most important distinction is between the polite style and the non-polite style of speech. The non-polite style of speech is also known as intimate style or plain style speech. Non-polite style speech is used among social equals, by superiors to subordinates, and in intimate relationships.
Non-polite style speech employs different endings, depending on the tense and sentence type, as follows. (See also the intimate style speech chart below.)

a. Statement
  • Present
  • 지금 돈이 하나도 없어.
    => I have no money now.
    나는 아직 한국어가 서툴러.
    => I'm not yet fluent in Korean.
    여기가 서울역이야.
    => Here is Seoul Station.
  • Past
    어제는 돈이 있었어.
    => I had money yesterday.
    어제는 추웠어.
    => It was cold yesterday.
  • Future
    내일은 차가 생길 거야.
    => Tomorrow I'll have a car.
    그분이 내년에 선생님이 될 거야.
    => Next year, he will become a teacher.
 b. Question 
  • Present 
  • 한국에서 전화하니?
    => Are you calling from Korea?
    얘가 네 동생이야?
    => Is this kid your younger sister/brother?
    지금 시간 좀 있니?
    =>Do you have time right now?
  • Past
    언제 왔어?
    =>When did you come?
    그 분이 네 선생님이셨어?
    =>Was he your teacher?
    편지 썼니?
    =>Did you write the letter?
    그게 숙제였니?
    =>Was it the homework?
  • future
    전화 할 거야?
    =>Will you call?
    전화 할 거니?
    =>Will you call?
c. "Let's"
  • Present

    자, 떠나자.
    => Well, let's take off/leave.
    학교에 가자.
    => Let's go to school.
d. Command
  • present

    숙제 해.
    => Do your homework.
    밥 먹어(라).
    => Eat your meal.
    집에 일찍 오너라.
    => Come home early.
e. Exclamation
  • Present

    저 나무가 참 빨리 자라는구나!
    => How fast the tree is growing!
    시간이 빨리도 가는구나!
    => Ah, time goes fast!
    조심해, 차가 온다!
    => Watch out, a car is coming!
    날씨가 좋다!
    => /The weather is nice!
    이것이 바로 내가 찾던 것이다!
    => This is just what I was looking for!

  • Past

    너희들, 벌써 밥을 먹었구나.
    => All of you have already finished your meal.
    숙제를 다 했다. (만세!)
    => (I) finished all my homework. (Hooray!)
Intimate style speech chart 
Sentence Type
a. 평서문
b. 의문문
c. 청유문
d. 명령문
e. 감탄문
Sentence Ending
Present Tense
V. + (어/아).
N. + (이)야.
V. + (어/아)?
N. + (이)야?
V. + 니?
N. + (이)니?
V. + 자.
V. + (어/아).
V. + (어/아)라.
V. + 너라/거라
V. + (는)구나!
V. + (ㄴ/는)다!
N. + (이)다!
Past Tense
V. + 었/았어.
N. + 이었어./였어.
V. + 었/았어?
N. + 이었어?/였어?
V. + 었/았니?
N. + 이었니?/였니?
not applicable (N.A.)
V. + 었/았구나!
V. + 었/았다!
N. + (이)었/였다!
Future Tense
V. + ㄹ/을 거야.
N. + ㄹ/일거야
V. + ㄹ/을 거야?
V. + ㄹ/일 거니?
V. + 겠구나!
V. + 겠다!
N. + (이)겠다!

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