Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

a. V. + (으)므로 => "because," "as," "for," "since," "for being . . ." b. N. + (이)므로 => "because it is . . ."

V. + (으)므로
=> "because," "as," "for," "since," "for being . . ."
b.  N. + (이)므로
=> "because it is . . ."
This causal connective (으/이)므로 is rarely used colloquially. Other causal connectives, -(으)니까, -기 때문에, -(어/아)서, and -(으)니, are used in spoken language. These causal connectives are not always interchangeable. 

  • 파올로의 생일은 형 생일보다 두 달쯤 늦으므로 9월이다.
    => Since Paolo's birthday is about two months behind his older brother's, it's in September.
  • 가을 날씨가 좋으므로 관광객이 많이 온다.
    => Since the fall weather is good, many tourists are coming.
  • 아버님이 오셨으므로 그날은 일찍 집에 가기로 했다.
    => Since my father was visiting, I decided to go home early that day. 
  • 사흘 있으면 명절이므로 길이 막힐 거다.
    => Because the holiday starts in three days, the roads will be jammed.
  • 내일이 추석이므로 할머니 댁에 가야 한다.
    => Because tomorrow is Ch'usŏk, I must go to Grandmother's house.
  • 내일부터 휴가(이)므로 오늘 일을 끝마쳐야겠다.
    => Since my vacation begins tomorrow, I have to finish the job today.

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